10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

9. The Gathering (Season 5, Episode 6)

Star Wars Clone Wars Vader Anakin Mortis

In this quiet and thoughtful exploration into the world of the Force and the ways of the Jedi, a group of younglings join Yoda and Ahsoka Tano on the planet Ilum, where they must undergo a series of hard tests in order to obtain a kyber crystal for their new lightsabers.

The Gathering offers Star Wars fans the opportunity to see how lightsabers are made and how hard it is for Jedi to fulfil their training. By focusing on a group of younglings - some brash and over confident, others quiet and patient - it also allows you to further relate to the Jedi and understand what it's like to grow up Force-sensitive.

The visuals in the caves of Ilum are stunning, and the psychological aspects of the episode are seriously intense.

The episode also features Yoda at his most philosophical, and works to show audiences just how far Ahsoka has come over the years.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.