10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

8. Rookies (Season 1, Episode 5)

Star Wars Clone Wars Vader Anakin Mortis

Rookies is the first episode of the show to focus entirely on clones, and introduces audiences to future fan favourites Fives and Echo.

In the episode, Domino Squad are tasked with protecting an outpost on the Rishi Moon, where they are suddenly attacked by a commando droid invasion. With aid from clone veterans Captain Rex and Commander Cody, the new squad must come together in order to fulfil their duty.

Giving insight into the roles of the clones and humanising them better than any episode in the first couple seasons, the episode gives each character the chance to shine - from Rex's keen eye for deception to Hevy's final stand, there are moments to make you laugh and look on in shock at what's playing out.

Rookies is an action-packed spectacle which perfectly foreshadows how daring and dark the show was destined to become, and sets in motion the epic and tragic character arcs of Fives and Echo - two of the show's most important clones.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.