10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

6. Sacrifice (Season 6, Episode 13)

Star Wars Clone Wars Vader Anakin Mortis

After two episodes spent trying to learn the secrets of the Force and how to retain his identity even after death, Yoda travels to the Sith homeworld of Moraband, where he must face off with ancient evils and deceptive visions.

On the planet, Yoda comes face to face with the ancient Sith Darth Bane (voiced by an unrecognisable Mark Hamill), and is thrust into an illusion created by Darth Sidious and Count Dooku to break the Jedi Master. In the illusion, he and Anakin do battle with Dooku and Sidious, and Yoda witnesses Anakin kill Dooku in exactly the same way he would in Revenge of the Sith.

During the fight with Sidious, Yoda is teased about what the future offers for Anakin and the Republic, but Yoda deflects the Sith Lord's taunting and bravely asserts that he's willing to sacrifice everything - even his life - to prevent Sidious' rise.

Sacrifice is the final episode of season six, and signals the fact that the show's story is close to the events of Revenge of the Sith. It also gives insight into how Yoda came into contact with a dead Qui-Gon (again voiced by Liam Neeson) and how he learned of a Sith Lord above Dooku, and does so with dark visuals and excellent fight sequences.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.