10 Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Performances

5. Colonel Zhukov's Russian Team (Multiple)

Marina Sirtis Stargate

Season 5's episode The Tomb saw SG-1 having to team up with an entirely Russian team in order to recover a missing Russian team in the Tomb of Marduk. Marduk was a powerful Goa'uld who was buried alive by his own priests with a carnivorous creature, who would slowly eat him over and over again, since Marduk would regenerate. Creative guys, those priests.

So Colonel Zhukov (played by Earl Pastko), Major Vallarin (played by Alexander Kalugin and pictured here), Lt. Tolinev (played by Jen Halley) and Lt. Marchenko (played by Vitaly Kravchenko) are assigned to work with SG-1 and they are all trapped together inside the tomb as soon as they enter, with the creature, which is now possessed by Marduk.

The two teams succumb to paranoia about who will be possessed next and they have to either fight against one another or work together to survive. Fun episode, great guest cast.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'