10 Best Static Shock Episodes

5. Kidnapped

Static Shock TV Show
Warner Bros.

The penultimate episode before the finale of the series, and frankly, a lot better than the ending itself.

The story features Omnara, a supervillain who uses surveillance and the internet to spy on Static, eventually learning his secret identity. However when her employer, series villain Edwin Alva, tells her that he and Static have made peace and shuts her down, she decides to get back at him by making Static steal her equipment back from him.

Her method of motivating Virgil? Kidnap his father, Robert.

Robert, being one of the best characters in the entire show, does not take long after this happens to put two and two together and realize his son is a superhero. Static, meanwhile, goes on the warpath to find his dad, eventually relenting to Omnara's demands in order to protect his father.

This is easily the tightest written episode in season 4 - one of the best seasons of the show already, mind you. The action was good, Omnara was a fun villain (one DC should definitely bring back), and the drama with Static and his father keeps your eyes glued to the screen.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?