10 Best The Walking Dead Tattoos You Must See

3. The Walking Z Button

There have been some pretty epic crossovers in time (and some not so epic) : Freddy vs. Jason, Ash vs. The Evil Dead, and now...Mario vs. The Walking Dead. Could this be Telltale's latest instalment of their The Walking Dead game series?

Chances are if you have stuck with Telltale's episodic franchise based on the TV series then you are already a pretty serious gamer, but would you get a Walking Dead gaming tattoo though? Head on over to the Mushroom Kingdom and fight Governor Goomba, meet Mushroom Michonne, or watch Luigi go up again Lucille.

This tattoo perfectly matches Mario as Rick and Luigi as Daryl, taking on some rather funky fungi as walkers. Personally I think they have missed a trick by not including Wario as the moustachioed menace Negan, set to spill some pixels next season. An idea to continue the piece right there


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap