10 Best The Walking Dead Tattoos You Must See

2. Head's Up

The Walking Dead Beth Daryl Tattoo

Being a literal "Dead Head", it takes some serious dedication to have AMC's show carved into the side of your head. In a show full of violence, The Walking Dead still has an undertone of love - the creepy/sweet relationship of Daryl and Beth became one of the show's most long lasting, and even lead Daryl on a suicidal rescue mission. It ended in disaster for the youngest Greene girl, and Berth met her maker.

Depicting the iconic hospital scene from Season 5's "Coda" - we see Daryl carrying the body of Beth from the Grady Memorial hospital. Whilst Beth may not have been everyone's favourite character, the image is definitely one of the show's most striking. I love TWD as much as the next person, but would you really go through the pain of a skull tattoo? At least if you don't like it you can just grow your hair out!


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap