Futurama is a show that's based around a dude travelling a thousand years into the future, so we had plenty of brilliant time-centric episodes to choose from. In the end we chose Time Keeps On Slippin' becauses it uses time travel to great comedic effect. This episode has a plot that's so bizarre it's hard to summarise in a few paragraphs, but let's give it a shot: Professor Farnsworth removes particles known as chronitons from the universe in order to accelerate the growth of his mutant basketball team so that he can beat the Harlem Globetrotters in a basketball game (we told you it was bizarre). This innocent act of universal tomfoolery results in time skipping forwards randomly, creating moments of comedy gold such as Fry and Leela getting married and then divorced in the space of a few seconds. Farnsworth works with the Globetrotters to fix the problem by placing stars around the location where he removed the particles using a 'badass gravity pump'. When this fails, they decide to create an implosion that will cause a black hole and prevent further chronitons from releasing. While this is happening Fry is trying to work out what he did to cause Leela to fall in love with him. Just before the implosion detonates, he looks out of the ship's window and finds the answer: he moved the stars themselves to write a love letter to her in the sky, simply reading "I love you, Leela". And then the implosion happens and his declaration of love gets lost forever in a black hole. What a bummer.