10 Best Times TV Characters Returned From The Dead
9. Tulip O'Hare - Preacher

Ruth Negga's effortlessly charismatic take on legendary comic character Tulip O'Hare was one of Preacher's most prized assets.
It was therefore unsurprising that Preacher chose to resurrect O'Hare soon after her death at the hands of undercover Grail operative Featherstone. The shocking loss of Tulip represented a jaw-dropping cliffhanger, but the indispensable nature of Negga's character (and the boundless limits of Preacher's supernatural universe) meant that fans were quietly confident of her revival.
After a brief but nightmarish stint in Purgatory, Jesse eventually manages to restore Tulip to life with the help of a witch - who just so happens to be his magnetically chilling "Gran'ma". Tulip's return to the land of the living may not have come as a shock to fans of the original comic, but it remained a thunderous way to kick-off the third outing for AMC's outrageous show.
O'Hare's demise in the second season finale also had the benefit of providing a key flashpoint in Jesse and Cassidy's feud. Jesse's refusal to let Cassidy turn Tulip into a vampire to save her life appeared to spell the end for any semblance of a relationship between two of the show's focal characters.