10 Best TV Performances Of 2016

5. Evan Rachel Wood - Westworld

Best TV Performances 2016

As mentioned in the intro, the cast of Westworld could've at least half-filled this list, from Anthony Hopkins' thoughtful Dr Ford to Thandie Newton's electric Maeve.

It was another close call, but the standout was Evan Rachel Wood's Dolores, who serves as the closest thing we have to a protagonist in the series.

Although a robot, there's no one specific thing Dolores needs to be, and it means that Wood has to play numerous versions of the same character, often switching gears within a single scene, or making changes so slight you might not even notice. She's Dolores, the robot created by Arnold many years ago; she's Dolores, the sweet-natured farmgirl accompanying William; she's Dolores, the hardened host who isn't sticking to the script. Sometimes, it's all three - and more - within moments.

She has tragedy upon tragedy piled upon her, and has to keep coping and moving forwards. And she has to be fearless, moving through this world, and uncovering its secrets - in particularly those about her own life. That Wood is able to manage all of this, and help guide viewers through the maze that is Westworld, without ever losing her character, is a huge testament to her performance.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.