10 Best TV Performances Of 2016

4. Millie Bobby Brown - Stranger Things

Best TV Performances 2016

Stranger Things isn't the best new TV show of 2016 (that honour belongs to either Atlanta or Westworld), but it is the buzziest, seemingly taking over everyone's lives in the summer. It was a much-needed dose of mystery and nostalgia, a warm distraction from the real world, and at its heart was its cast. All great, especially the kids, but the true star was Millie Bobby Brown's Eleven.

It's not always easy for child actors to come across as anything other than annoying (though the Stranger Things kids managed it). It must've been even harder for Brown then, who - in her biggest role to date - had to play a child who wasn't considered 'normal'.

That the 12-year-old shaved her head for the role shows how committed she was, but the performance goes far beyond a haircut. There's a real vulnerability to Eleven, who has been hurt by people almost her entire life, but she's also a complete badass too.

Brown plays the character with a real sense of wonder as, for the first time, she gets to make friends and discover the outside world, and there's a glee to her performance that marries perfectly to the pain she's suffered.

Of course, she does all of this without having to speak too much as well, conveying more with facial expressions than many actors can with a monologue.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.