10 Best TV Redemption Arcs Of All Time

1. Prince Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender

Game of Thrones

There has, and likely never will be a better redemption arc than this. Despite being a children's cartoon, Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most profound, fun and emotional journeys that a TV viewer can sit through, and one of the biggest reasons for this is the development of Prince Zuko.

This character started as a banished and torn up prince, whose father was the terrifying Fire Lord Ozai. His facial scar and aggressive attitude made it clear that he was harbouring some dark thoughts and a tragic past. The young prince's emotionally packed hunt for the Avatar and desire to regain his honour was intense, but as the series progressed, he seemed to become far more complex and confused.

Lots went into making this the best redemption arc on TV. Firstly, his position as a royal member of the evil nation meant that his conflictions between right and wrong were so skewed. At the same time, his youth was a major factor as his development felt like a coming of age story about a boy who overcame his trauma and stood up to his tyrannical father.

However, most importantly, was his relationship with Uncle Iroh, as this positive figure impacted his life in the right way, allowing for Zuko to go on his own path for redemption and truly discovering himself, eventually leading him to join Team Avatar.

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