10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

3. Tuco Salamanca

Hector Salamanca

And then we have Tuco.

Tuco Salamanca is the polar opposite of Todd, at least in temperament. Whereas Todd is cool and collected -- almost to the point that you want to question his IQ -- Tuco is always flirting with explosion. He is a powder keg. You get the sense that even a slight change of tone in your voice might set him off, and once that happens, you can't run far enough or fast enough to escape the hell he's going to bring down upon you.

Tuco was the first real villain of Breaking Bad. He was this unhinged bundle of chaos -- a tattered flag, blowing rapidly and erratically in the wind that is crystal meth abuse. Even his own men aren't safe from his violent outbursts. On one occasion, he beat one of his own men to death with his bare hands, simply for speaking when he wasn't expected to.

In spite of all that, Tuco -- with his last shred of consciousness and humanity that hadn't been snuffed out by years of drug abuse -- seemed to care deeply about his family, specifically his Uncle Hector. There WAS some humanity under that grill, after all.


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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.