10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

4. Todd Alquist

Hector Salamanca

Oh, boy...

What to say about Todd? Well, let's start with the fact that he -- more than ANYONE ELSE in the Breaking Bad universe -- seems to truly be a sociopath.

His killing is spontaneous, without buildup and without even the slightest hint of remorse, inner turmoil, or self-reflection. To Todd, a death is just a death. Say what you will about Gus or Walt, but neither one of them would kill an innocent cleaning lady, and then make himself a bowl of soup while her dead body sits rolled up in a rug just a few feet behind them.

Todd is earnest in his viciousness -- he only wants to please his superiors, be it Walter White or his scum-of-the-earth Uncle Jack. He lacks the testicular fortitude to make upward moves, himself. Instead, he's content to be a lapdog -- a teacher's pet, if you will. In many ways, he's the perfect underling: he takes orders, asks no questions, and has no ambition toward leadership. He will kill when killing needs to happen, and he'll do it without so much as blinking one of his dead, stupid eyes.

Also, HOW DARE he ruin "Sharing the Night Together" for us?!

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.