10 Big Differences Between New And Classic Doctor Who

5. Really Special Guest Stars

A higher profile show naturally means bigger names in the supporting cast. The Classic run didn't do badly in that department, with the likes of Anton Diffring appearing during the 25th anniversary season. For a while, however, the big guns in Doctor Who were light entertainers, the likes of Joan Sims, Ken Dodd and Richard Briers. The thought of heavyweight actors regularly rocking up in the TARDIS seemed a far out concept. Flash forward to the 50th anniversary and things were so very different. Not content with securing Simon Pegg, Kylie Minogue, Bill Nighy, Warwick Davis and others, the crew managed to bag John Hurt. Not only that, but Hurt as the Doctor himself! Blimey. And that's not to mention NuWho's top names from the small screen, including Peter Kay, Catherine Tate, James Corden, Nick Frost... The list echoes through the vortex. The series has always had an appeal for actors, particularly ones with children, where a guest role can earn them much treasured kudos. But now the BBC can reach for the Moon when it comes to the talent on screen. Robert Downey Jr's professed love of the programme could even mean an Avenger featuring in Who soon. You heard it here first...
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Doctor Who
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.