10 Big Finish Doctor Who Moments We Wish We Saw On-Screen

Big Finish gives Doctor Who life on audio, so which these moments do we wish we saw on screen?

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Big Finish

Since 1999, Big Finish Productions has been producing Doctor Who audio dramas, featuring a TARDIS full of characters being played by their original on-screen actors and actresses. In the years since, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, John Hurt, and David Tennant have all returned to voice their respective Doctors.

As of the start of July, Big Finish have released hundreds of Doctor Who audios and spin offs, with 264 releases in their main monthly range alone. Offering something for everyone, you can’t go wrong with Big Finish audio, with stories that push the boundaries of what is possible on the format.

Of course, the benefit of Big Finish it allows actors, who may not physically be able to perform, to return to their roles. This has allowed for hours and hours worth of content for Doctors from the past. Hours of content which a lot of fans are missing out on if they don't dip into the audio drama genre.

But this does require your imagination to fill in the visuals in your own head. However, as a huge Big Finish fan, some of their greatest moments you cannot help but wish you had seen on screen.

So, here are 10 Big Finish Moments we wish we got on screen…

10. Fifth Doctor As President Of Gallifrey

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BBC / Big Finish

In the 2017 anthology, 'Time in Office', we see the Fifth Doctor follow up on his appointment as President of Gallifrey given to him in 'The Five Doctors'. Whilst this is only for one release, across four stories, seeing the Doctor as President is something set up across multiple stories on screen. ‘The Invasion of Time’ is closest we get, however that is only a brief stint.

To see the Doctor in the highest position of Gallifrey is certainly an interesting premise. A character who has always been very ‘against the establishment’ being placed at the highest power leads to a world of opportunities. The Doctor’s Presidency is something teased a lot during the later years of the classic series, with ‘The Five Doctors’ seeing the Doctor being offered the position and by “Trial of Time Lord’ it has been taken away. So, the filling of the gap, by actually having the Doctor serve as President feels very fulfilling, rather than him simply being able to run away from the role each time.

Plus, more time developing the world and characters of Gallifrey will never be frowned upon. To see the structures and dress of Time Lord society always seemed like such a treat when those episodes came about in the series.

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Doctor Who
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