10 Big Questions Raised By Agents Of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer

1. Where's Deathlok?

Not in this teaser, apparently. At the end of season one, immediately after stomping his cybernetic limb through John Garrett's chest, Mike Peterson aka Deathlok takes off into the wild to forge his own path and, hopefully, track down some of that redemption he so dearly wants. It's clear that we'll be seeing him again at some point in the future, but the trailer either didn't have room for the lovable cyborg or simply wanted his reappearance to be a surprise for the viewers. And that's fine by us, but we do hope he turns up sooner rather than later, as J. August Richard's tortured robo-soldier was one of the most fun things about the first season. We can only hope that he gets picked up by yet another sinister organisation, experimented on further and forced to do even worse things to protect his son so that the next time we see Peterson he's way gnarlier. But then again we might be sadists. Did we miss anything? What's your take on the teaser? Let us know in the comments!

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.