10 Biggest Behind The Scenes Star Trek Mistakes That Ever Happened

7. Let's Create A Prequel Series, But Let's Keep Hinting At Time Travel And Then, Let's Go Nowhere!

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager

The Temporal Cold War was an element of Enterprise that truly could have been gold. However, the story was hampered by the fact that it was meandering and, often, pointless. The Suliban (another one of those species that were 'forgotten' by Starfleet until Lower Decks) were an interesting addition to the franchise, but then they also turned into a bit of a damp squib.

The Temporal Cold War was an addition to Star Trek at the request of the studio. Rarely is that a good sentence to type. Brannon Braga admits that it had a chance to be a good idea, developing a thorough backstory to the fighting, yet he also admits that within the constrains of the series it was somewhat lost.

In season four, showrunner Manny Coto wrapped up the storyline in the first two episodes, Storm Front. This was because he didn't feel that there was anything left to say on the plot. Actor John Billingsley concured, adding that he felt Paramount Studios had also dictated the move.

Overall, it was an idea that sounded cool - Temporal Cold War! But the execution left a stain on Enterprise's first few seasons.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick