10 Biggest Doctor Who Conspiracy Theories

5. The BBC Plants Fake Leaks

Doctor Who Last of the Time Lords David Tennant John Simm the Master
BBC Studios

These days, it’s a miracle if a Doctor Who episode makes it to transmission unspoiled.

In recent years, details of the Timeless Child and bi-generation twists were both available to read months in advance, along with the entire plot of The Church on Ruby Road.

The truth is, in spite of the production team’s best efforts, things leak. Or is it because of them?

Back in 2022, RTD admitted that they spread a few red herrings regarding the identity of the next Doctor, stating that:

"There's been a few false stories and false tales and we placed a few posts ourselves, a couple of misleading things, and we're very pleased that kind of worked."

Does this mean the BBC was responsible for the Olly Alexander rumour? Or the report about Hugh Grant?

And if we want to get really conspiratorial, what if RTD has deliberately leaked accurate information too, to forewarn fans of upcoming developments? He’s since insisted the bi-generation leak was nothing to do with him, but then again, that’s what he would say.

Maybe it's all about setting expectations and getting fans talking. Or, maybe Bad Wolf Studios needs to improve its security.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!