10 Biggest Doctor Who Missed Opportunities
8. Not Getting Peter Jackson

Cast your mind back: the year is 2015, and the geeky side of the internet has just melted.
Peter Jackson, the legendary director behind the greatest trilogy ever put to screen (and also that other slightly less great trilogy), has just posted a video skit in which he is bombarded by emails by one Steven Moffat, asking him to travel to Cardiff to direct an episode of Doctor Who.
Unmoved by the proposal, Jackson then receives a delivery (by hand) from a white-haired Scottish postman who claims to be the Doctor, who forces him to sign a contract.
The appearance of Jackson and Capaldi together, along with the not-so-subtle hint at a collaboration, left fans ecstatic.
The known fact that Jackson was a lifelong Whovian (who owns two Dalek props, as well as his appearance alongside Sylvester McCoy in The Fiveish Doctors), only added fuel to the fire, and we collectively assumed the deal was set in stone.
The disappointment was therefore immeasurable when the guy who directed The Lord of the Rings never directed an episode of Doctor Who.
Jackson has gone on record in the years since, stating that he is still interested. But for reasons unknown, it's never come to fruition.