10 Biggest Doctor Who 'What Ifs'

3. What If The Timeless Child Was The Master?

Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston The Day of the Doctor

I can't seem to stay away from The Timeless Children. If you've read my previous articles, then you'll know I don't think too highly of Chris Chibnall's retcon. For me, the whole notion of the Time Lords being corrupt bastards is nothing new, and the addition of them stealing the powers of an innocent child is rather compelling to their shady background.

Unfortunately, the entire ordeal came crashing down when it was revealed that The Doctor is 'the Child'. This felt incredibly dumb to me, and undermined nearly sixty years of development for the iconic Time Lord. Oh wait - they're not a Time Lord anymore. Sigh...

If Chibnall was intent on having 'the Child' be revealed as an important character, why not have it be The Master instead? That, to me at least, could've served a greater meaning. Similar to how The Master became disgusted with knowing he held the same DNA as his sworn enemy, imagine how much worse it would've been for The Doctor. Having the blood of their greatest enemy flowing through their veins. That'd certainly shake things up for them.

Not to mention they'd be mortified by the mere notion that their gift of regeneration was at the cost of their old friend's suffering, adding on top of the cruel actions the Time Lord's had already publicly dealt The Master back in The End of Time. It may even make The Doctor sickened to their core that they've existed this long on the back of such hidden travesties, and even cause them to doubt ever regenerating again.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.