10 Biggest Feuds In Star Trek History

5. Diana Muldaur And The TNG Cast

Star Trek

Diana Muldaur was brought into Star Trek: The Next Generation to replace Gates McFadden, who had been fired on the insistence of Maurice Hurley. Gene Roddenberry had previously worked with her on two episodes of the Original Series, along with a television pilot in 1974. Muldaur was very pleasantly surprised to receive the call, noting that she knew from the beginning that she was to play something of a female Dr. McCoy.

She was written to be a colder, more removed character than Dr. Crusher had been. She was unafraid to bite back at Picard and treated Data with disrespect, assuming him to be nothing more than a computer terminal.

Unfortunately, this led to the fans not taking to the character. Behind the scenes, there were more issues. Muldaur said that she believed the cast were not welcoming and that people were simply out for themselves. This seems to be at odds with the way the rest of the cast remember their time on the show, so it is very possible that there was simply a clash of personalities.

It all resulted in her contract not being renewed for another season, though this then opened the door for Gates McFadden to return.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick