10 Biggest Gordon Ramsay Outbursts

8. You French Pig!

Nothing turns up the heat quite like a chef pushing back at Ramsay's regime. Arrogant head chef Michel (as the title suggest he's French, important later) had enough of Gordon's menu (he couldn't cook it), so he reverted back to his old food. You know, the reason why he was on Kitchen Nightmares to begin with.

After inspecting the food storage, which was so poorly maintained even the fridge itself had mould, Ramsay couldn't take Michel's arrogance anymore. Crammed into a small kitchen alcove the two went head to head. Michele claimed Ramsay's menu was no better than his and listed all the awards he'd won, Ramsay warmed himself up with a simple yet effective "You're a Donkey."

Hand gestures started flying with barely enough room to extend an elbow, Ramsay pointed his finger at Michele's chest in perfect concord to his verbal button pushing: "You run a s**t hole of a kitchen...you work like a pig, you French pig!" It's simply too funny, and deserved, to be offensive.


Austin Tweddle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.