10 Biggest Idiots In Star Trek

7. Neelix (Star Trek: Voyager)

Ever have that guy who hangs around until the end of the party and just doesn't seem to want to go home afterward? This idiot suffers from multiple issues: co-dependence, based on a foundation of insecurity and topped off by identity confusion. When we were first introduced to this hapless Talaxian tourist, he was bound at the hip to his 5-year-old paramour, Kes.

Despite her comparatively shortened life-span, you know there's something wrong there. Still, their short time together constantly involved the status of their relationship: was she safe, was she faithful, did she still love him? It got to the point where you actually did hope that she left him, cheated on him, or broke his heart just to end the insipidity.

His initial decision-making process in joining Voyager was predicated on his knowledge of the Delta Quadrant, but it really was a knee-jerk reaction based on how insecure his present position as a wandering trader of no fixed address was compared to how shiny and new the USS Voyager looked. Because the Star Fleet officers looked well-fed, he had to assume that he and Kes would be too. Ah, the upwardly mobile. Look at the number of different positions this guy has had throughout the show. He started off as a guide, whose advice was always tinged with doubt and conjecture.

Then, he migrated to the position of unpopular cook, making the most outlandish or unpalatable meals we all know how much regard Tuvok had for his version of Vulcan plomeek soup! Then he became the dysfunctional morale officer that everyone tolerated and was eventually promoted to Ambassador whenever the ship encountered some species they knew nothing about.

Supposedly, Janeway could apologize for him afterward, possibly stating that he wasn't a true representative of Federation principles? Finally, the guy's career winds up serving the ship as an enlisted crewmember. It's one thing to be a jack-of-all-trades but it's another to simply fail at everything you try.

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John Kirk is a Teacher-Librarian and currently a History/English Teacher with the Toronto District School Board. But mostly, John teaches Geek. Comics, Sci-Fi (Notably Star Trek), Fantasy and Role-Playing and table-top games all make up part of John’s repertoire, There is a whole generation of nerds-in-embryo who rely on him to make sense of it all, to teach that with great power comes great responsibility, that the force will be with us always and that a towel IS the most useful thing to have in one’s possession. When John isn’t in the classroom, he can be found in his basement writing comic reviews for www.popmythology.com and features for Roddenberry Entertainment's www.1701news.com.