10 Biggest Idiots In Star Trek

6. B'Etor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

The not-so-bright half of the Duras sisters, B'Etor is the more seductive and promiscuous member of the family. This Klingon Mata-Hari not only put the moves on Worf, but on Picard as well. Her tastes are obviously non-discriminate she'll do anything to anyone. Moreover, while she's supposed to represent the beauty out of the team, to be completely frank, this chick is all beast.

But, she's a Yes-beast who follows Lursa's lead, completely and unequivocally. Bedding this briny sea-hag is risking contusions and soft-tissue damage everywhere (see my article on living with a Klingon for a better picture), but it seems to be her only job. Lursa is the brains of the outfit: she does all the brooding while B'Etor is the idiot, happy enough to do the breeding. If you've ever seen the TNG episode "Redemption, Pt1 and 2", her contributions to conversations are either to completely agree with everything Lursa says, or to use her Klingon feminine wiles on... well, whatever male is present in the room.

Her behavior is marked by a conspicuous lack of original thinking and it's fairly obvious what her role in the team is: she's the loaded sex-gun and Lursa's the one who pulls the trigger. When Worf was kidnapped and unconscious, it was B'Etor who caressed him back to lucidity: a process that Worf clearly enjoyed until he realized who was arousing his mating instincts.

On the heels of this, Lursa freely offered her sister to Worf as an enticement to join their cause. B'Etor clearly does a lot for Lursa's confidence: it's nice when someone recognizes your authority and follows you unquestioningly. B'Etor's specific brand of idiocy is too mindless obey her sister and put her body at her disposal.

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John Kirk is a Teacher-Librarian and currently a History/English Teacher with the Toronto District School Board. But mostly, John teaches Geek. Comics, Sci-Fi (Notably Star Trek), Fantasy and Role-Playing and table-top games all make up part of John’s repertoire, There is a whole generation of nerds-in-embryo who rely on him to make sense of it all, to teach that with great power comes great responsibility, that the force will be with us always and that a towel IS the most useful thing to have in one’s possession. When John isn’t in the classroom, he can be found in his basement writing comic reviews for www.popmythology.com and features for Roddenberry Entertainment's www.1701news.com.