10 Biggest Ongoing Criticisms Of The Walking Dead

2. The Repetition Of Finding A Safe Place

Terminus The Walking Dead

For a show whose action is predicated on the unpredictable, it€™s somewhat surprising just how predictable the larger scale narrative often is. Though there€™s always tweaks to the formula, Rick and company generally look for a safe place to shack up, stay for a while, find it attacked, run away through the woods, and then start over.

It happened with the CDC building, Herschel€™s Farm, the Prison, Terminus, essentially every place the group has ever stayed. They'€™ve now been at Alexandria since last season, so does that mean the we should brace for an exit after its recent destruction, or are they going to continue to make it their home?

In terms of realism, this seems like a pretty solid plan for survival, but in terms of entertaining TV, not so much. Keeping a singular location for a little while longer will force the plot to go in new directions and devote more time to things like action sequences and character growth instead of more walking through the forest.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.