10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: The Next Generation

8. Captain Picard Day

star trek the next generation in theory lieutenant van mayter
CBS Media Ventures

Captain Picard and audiences alike have always found it pretty absurd that children were allowed to live aboard the Enterprise-D. These children and their families were constantly put in harm's way, getting fired on by Klingons, de-evolved, trapped in time anomalies, and so on.

Although Picard never wanted families on his ship, many of the children who lived on the Enterprise looked up to the captain as a role-model. At the start of the episode The Pegasus, we got to see the crew preparing for 'Captain Picard Day', a yearly holiday dedicated to Jean-Luc, complete with a colourful banner and a contest to create sculptures and paintings of the captain (judged by Picard himself).

On Captain Picard Day, Jean-Luc was forced out of his comfort zone into a parental role for these kids. He complained about the holiday, but we saw in the Star Trek: Picard episode Remembrance that he actually held onto the banner from the event, showing that he actually looked back fondly on the celebration. Boimler also made a reference to Captain Picard Day in the Lower Decks episode Cupid's Errant Arrow, so it's possible that the holiday spread beyond the Enterprise-D, and became a common holiday throughout the Federation, likely to the disapproval of Picard himself.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.