10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: The Next Generation

6. The Galaxy's Most Fun Warp Core Breach

star trek the next generation in theory lieutenant van mayter
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Picard, Data, La Forge, and Troi returned to the Enterprise from an away mission in the episode Timescape, and found their ship frozen in time, seemingly in a battle with a Romulan warbird.

Using special armbands to protect themselves from the time anomaly, Picard, Data, and Troi beamed aboard the frozen Enterprise and found that the Romulans had boarded the ship and the warp core was in the process of breaching, which would kill everyone onboard.

While Data and Troi were talking about what could've caused the breach, Picard began uncontrollably laughing and the others looked over to see that he had drawn a little smiley face with his finger in the smoke from the warp core breach. The Captain collapsed shortly after, and it turned out that he was suffering a type of temporal narcosis that messed with his brain, but this small moment was super fun and hilariously out of character for Jean-Luc.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.