10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: The Next Generation

5. Q's Strangest Surprise Entrance

star trek the next generation in theory lieutenant van mayter
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Q always liked to make dramatic entrances when visiting the Enterprise-D crew, but one of his arrivals was particularly shocking.

In Deja Q, the Enterprise was trying to help an alien society whose moon was falling out of orbit, when Q suddenly appeared on the bridge, naked, and floating horizontally, before falling to the floor and saying a sarcastic 'red alert!'

Q had his powers taken by the Continuum and was condemned to live as a human, but the Continuum stripped him of more than just his powers. Some creative camera angles managed to hide most of Q's 'omnipotence', but the bridge crew got a full look, and were surprisingly unfazed. They've all come to expect these surprise entrances from Q by this point, and they were frankly more annoyed than shocked.

The fact that the Continuum delivered Q to the Enterprise naked and in such a compromising position really makes it seem like they were just trying to embarrass him. Why else would he just float in the air in front of everyone for like five seconds?

Definitely one of the most surreal cold opens in the show.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.