10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Voyager

1. The First Warp 10 Flight

10 biggest wtf moments from star trek: voyager
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Words simply cannot describe the pain of having to watch Threshold. This episode took a cool concept, the idea of warp ten, and took it in a direction that nobody could've predicted (or wanted).

Voyager conducted some experiments on a shuttlecraft to achieve warp 10, the theoretical limit to the warp speed scale, which would allow the ship to occupy every point in space simultaneously. Of all things that could've happened, the writers decided that going at infinite velocity would have the unintended side effect of accelerating the traveller's evolution. Paris (the first to travel in the warp 10 ship) started losing his mind and transforming into a lizard upon returning, because of course Humans would turn into lizards over time, why wouldn't they?

Paris then kidnapped Captain Janeway aboard the warp 10 shuttle and subsequently mutated her into a lizard as well. The shuttle landed and the two of them mated and made creepy Human lizard babies, who Voyager left behind in the Delta Quadrant after finding their crewmates and changing their bodies back (though a similar creature was seen in Lower Decks, so it's possible their children were eventually found, or maybe somebody else accidentally went too fast and met the same fate).

Threshold managed to misrepresent evolution, warp physics, and basic logic all at once, giving us an episode that leaves us screaming WTF from start to finish.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.