10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Voyager

8. The Doctor's Second Life

10 biggest wtf moments from star trek: voyager
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In Blink Of An Eye, Voyager got trapped in the atmosphere of a planet that experienced accelerated time. With every second in normal space, a whole day would pass on the planet.

Voyager's presence started to cause tremors for the aliens living on the surface. Voyager was only stuck in their atmosphere for a few days, but generations went by on the planet. Religions were formed around the ship, and scientific advancements were made to protect their buildings from the tremors.

The Doctor was the only one who could survive visiting the planet, so he was sent to gather information about the population and Voyager's role in their society. The plan was for him to stay for three days before returning to the ship (three seconds of normal time), but there were complications and, by the time they were able to return him, The Doctor had lived for three years on the planet. He held out hope for rescue for a while, always able to see Voyager in the sky, but his loneliness soon became unbearable.

During his stay on the planet, The Doctor formed a strong relationship with a woman named Mareeza, who he called his 'roommate', and we later learned that he even became the father to a child named Jason (who he likely adopted with Mareeza). The Doctor learned a lot in these three years. He had a real family for the first time, before being abruptly taken from them with no warning. It's really strange that this part of his life isn't brought up more.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.