10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Voyager

6. An Unexpected Assimilation

10 biggest wtf moments from star trek: voyager
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In Unimatrix Zero, the Voyager crew discovered a dreamlike virtual reality world of the same name where some Borg drones could live as individuals while they were regenerating in the real world.

In hopes to weaken the Borg, Janeway concocted a plan to unleash a virus into the Collective that would allow the Borg of Unimatrix Zero to remain free-thinking when they awoke from their regeneration. The virus was quickly developed and the captain, Tuvok, and Torres went on an away mission to spread it to a Borg Tactical Cube.

Originally the plan was to deliver the virus to the Cube's central plexus to spread it to the rest of the Collective, but the Borg cornered the away team and the mission ended in disaster—Janeway, Tuvok, and Torres were all assimilated.

Fortunately, the crew had a plan B. The Doctor infected them all with the virus, which allowed them to stay conscious as individuals for a short time after being assimilated. Because of this, the team was able to spread the virus to the central plexus, but the implication that they were fully aware throughout the whole assimilation process was truly horrifying! The reveal of the away team as Borg at the end of part one came before we even knew about the team's plan B, but at least Chakotay gave us some assurance, ominously saying 'so far, so good' and warping away after the away team's life signs began fading. It's good that nobody on the team had any eye implants installed, but B'Elanna's voice was the stuff of nightmares.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.