10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Voyager

5. The History Of Chronowerx Industries

10 biggest wtf moments from star trek: voyager
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Voyager was attacked by a 29th century Starfleet timeship in the episode Future's End, because its captain, Braxton, believed that Voyager would be responsible for a huge explosion in the future that would destroy Earth and the entire solar system. In the fight, the two were pulled into a spacetime anomaly to Earth in the 20th century. Voyager arrived in 1996, but Braxton and his timeship ended up decades earlier, in 1967.

Braxton's ship crashed and he beamed away to safety, but before he could find the timeship, a man named Henry Starling discovered it in the mountains and used it to jumpstart humanity's microcomputer revolution, becoming massively wealthy by reverse engineering 29th century technology through his company, Chronowerx Industries (a parody of real computer companies like Apple and Microsoft).

It's likely that Starling's influence on early computer tech was undone at the end of the episode, along with Captain Braxton's experiences living on Earth for thirty years, but The Doctor still had his mobile emitter that he got from Starling, suggesting that some of the events of the altered timeline still took place. Humanity's advancements in computer technology in the 20th century may have come from the future in the same way that Scotty paradoxically invented transparent aluminium in The Voyage Home.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.