10 Biggest WTF Moments In Recent Horror TV Shows

1. Negan Kills Glenn And Abraham - The Walking Dead

Slasher TV
Gene Page/AMC

Arguably the biggest WTF moment in horror television history occurred in the premiere of the seventh season of The Walking Dead, which saw new ultra-villain Negan sadistically murder series mainstays Glenn and Abraham in one of the most brutal death scenes to ever hit screens.

Negan's style of execution is utterly barbaric; the leader of the Saviors bashes the pair's brains in with Lucille, his baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. The sickening crunch every time Lucille finds her mark makes for harrowing viewing, and the showrunners do not shy away from showing every mangled detail of the unfortunate duo's corpses.

The main factor the scene derives its stratospheric WTF levels from is who the victims were. Abraham had been a popular member of the cast since the fourth season, but Glenn had been with the group since day one; the much beloved character was the one who helped rescue Rick from the tank all the way back in the pilot. After investing time and emotion in Glenn as a character, the sight of his lifeless body, beaten so badly that his eyeball has popped out, is absolutely traumatic stuff; fans are left in a state of utterly horrified shell shock despite the fact that many knew Glenn's fate as depicted in the comics.

The episode also initially plays dumb on who Negan's victims were, adding an extra level of menacing tension to a scene already drenched with it. When the inevitable reveal comes, the extent to which those watching are left pondering WTF they have just witnessed, is ramped up roughly 1000%.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.