10 Biggest WTF Moments In Recent Horror TV Shows

2. The Congregation Drink Poison - Midnight Mass

Slasher TV

Midnight Mass is one of the most critically acclaimed horror shows in recent memory, and with good reason. Netflix's chilling mini-series is a slowburn to start with, but provides some utterly unforgettable horror moments over the course of its seven-episode run.

It's hard to pick a WTF moment from a show where the opening episode ends with hundreds of dead cats washing up on a beach, but one particularly abominable sequence springs to mind - the absolutely horrifying scene within the church in Midnight Mass' penultimate episode that invokes memories of the infamous Jonestown Massacre.

Father Paul, revealed to be a rejuvenated Monsignor Pruitt, invites his terrified congregation to drink poison so that they may be "reborn" before unveiling the monstrous "angel" that has been preying on the town. The sight of a creature of pure evil in priest's robes is disturbingly jarring to behold. Things were get even wackier in the darkest way physically possible as, after watching one member die and come back to life, a large swathe of the remaining church-goers follow suit. The sight of neatly organized cups of poison on trays being distributed like communion and family members trying to persuade one another not to commit suicide is too unsettling for words.

Viewers were already wondering what in the holy f*ck was happening before the "reborn" church-goers demonically reanimate and proceed to massacre the majority of the congregation in one of the most traumatizing scenes imaginable. There is a lengthy catalogue of WTF worthy moments to select from Midnight Mass but this Hadean sequence takes the cake.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.