10 Biggest WTF Moments In Recent Horror TV Shows

6. Taissa's Shrine - Yellowjackets

Slasher TV

Yellowjackets has been a major feather in Showtime's illustrious cap. The horror drama concerns the titular high-school girl's football team, who become victims of a plane crash that leaves them stranded in the middle of nowhere, before the usual cannibalistic tendencies of fictional disaster survivors rear their ominous head. However, while the hints have been there, whether the girls actually become cannibals has been left deliberately ambiguous.

While operating on a relatively tired premise, Yellowjackets has received critical acclaim since it debuted in 2021. The ending to the series' first season also provided one of the more notable instances of audiences simultaneously letting out a quiet WTF. Taissa Turner has always been shown to possess a darker side - look no further than her breaking a teammate's leg as Taissa did not believe she merited inclusion on the team - but the extent to which the calamitous plane crash and the ensuing events had warped her mind is revealed in the first season's finale.

The show had already revealed that Taissa had been deeply affected by her time in the wilderness; her sleepwalking alter-ego had already displayed a propensity for eating dirt and climbing trees at night. However, she saves her most ghastly moment for last; Taissa's wife Simone finds a ghoulish shrine in the basement of their house, which holds their son Sammy's damaged doll, the decapitated head of the missing family dog and what appears to be a bloody human heart. The unexplained nature of the macabre final reveal made for one of the more memorably blindsides in horror television history.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.