10 Bizarre TV Toy Commercials You Probably Missed

9. Oozinator

Whilst 'Ball Buster' may not have been for the men in group, 'Oozinator' is probably one toy not intended for children at all. Hasbro copyrighted 'Oozinator' in 2005, releasing it for sale in 2006. The box states ages 6+, personally I would add an extra ten years onto that suggested age. Steve Hall from AdRants definitely didn't see the funny side, he wrote a scathing article blasting Hasbro more than its' own Super Soaker: "The people who created this ad are either living in a land far removed from current day culture, are completely clueless or, conversely, have a seriously twisted sense of humour. This ad for the Hasbro Super Soaker Oozinator features a gun that when pumped a few times shoots a white globular substance all over the faces and bodies of those in the ad. Sound familiar? We thought so. While we're sure it's fun to pump something until it shoots a bunch of gooey stuff, we can't help but imagine how this thing got created, reviewed and approved without a lot of snickering." Who wouldn't want to cover their best friends with bio ooze? 'Shoot out globs of gooey bio-ooze and then drench 'em with water!'
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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap