10 Other Breaking Bad Characters Who Should Get A Spin-Off

8. Tuco

However bad your boss might be, just be thankful you don€™t have to answer to Tuco Salamanca. Jesse €“ Breaking Bad€™s resident punching bag €“ was given a mighty swift introduction to Tuco€™s rather dubious business practices and explosive temper. When he and Walt were trying to get themselves off the ground in the first season and looking for a distributor for their product, Jesse had the misfortune to be hooked up with Tuco by Skinny Pete. Hey, what are friends for? Disinclined to pay Jesse his $35,000 up front, instead Tuco elected to beat Jesse to a pulp with a bagful of money. Uncle Walt soon set Tuco straight with the aid of a little tweak of chemistry, but soon found out exactly what he was dealing with when he watched on, slack-jawed, as his new business partner literally beat his crony No-Doze to death for€ defending him? A spin-off (spoiler €“ it would have to be a prequel) could show us another Tuco €“ we did fleetingly see his loving side when he tended to his uncle Tio €“ but that€™s a bit of a long shot. With his copious drug intake and penchant for big knives, it would be more like a pared down Scarface, Méjico style. We€™re in no doubt the show would be tight, tight, tight.
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