10 Breaking Bad Characters Who Play Smaller, But Crucial Roles

7. Huell Babineaux

Breaking Bad Gale

In a series of serious characters with little room for joking around, Huell Babineaux does at least provide a bit of light relief.

However, despite being strangely loveable, Huell is party to some crucial aspects of the story thanks to his willingness to do what he is told by his boss, Saul Goodman.

He's the one who lifts the ricin cigarette from Jesse's pockets to aid Walt in getting him back on side, while he's also party to the accident which saw Ted Beneke hospitalised with a broken neck. He only plays a bit part in the grand scheme of these acts but Huell's involvement does indeed have massive ramifications for those involved when all is said and done.

Without realising it, Huell plays into the hands of Walt in particular, essentially helping cover up the whole story around Brock's poisoning at the hands of the Lily of the Valley flower.

His actions lead to Jesse being back onside with Walt, in turn leading to the death of Gus, Hector, and Tyrus.

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