10 Brilliantly Simple Opening Credits In Awesome TV Shows

7. Mushishi

The enigmatic anime Mushishi is an anthology show involving strange, ectoplasmic creatures called Mushi, derived from Shinto folklore, and their interactions with humans. It features one of the simplest opening sequences in all of anime (showing the surface of a pond freezing over) but also one of the most beautiful.

The quiet, moving titles encompass many of the most enduring characteristics of Japanese art: a deep respect for the natural world, delicate restraint, and an aching awareness of transience ("mono no aware"). It’s a uniquely poignant, soothing watch. The music of British folk singer Lucy Rose perhaps seems an odd choice at first, but her feather-light voice, nostalgic lyrics and gentle strumming perfectly capture the plaintive, ponderous melancholy that the show evokes.


Another wayward English graduate who makes money by arranging words into the correct order. Is really at it good!