10 Cancelled Star Wars Clone Wars Episodes We Never Got To See

9. Son Of Dathomir

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
Marvel Comics

Bringing Darth Maul back from the dead was perhaps the boldest decision that The Clone Wars made. It paid off big time, leading to some of the best episodes of the entire show, as well as allowing Maul to appear in other canon materials such as Star Wars Rebels and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The Son of Dathomir episodes would follow-on directly from Maul at the end of Season 5, having been captured and tortured by Darth Sidious, and would lead right up to the Siege of Mandalore in Season 7. It dealt with Maul's escape from the prison he was being held in by Sidious with the help of his Mandalorian followers, and his subsequent journey to destroy his former master.

Thankfully this is one of the few arcs that was released in alternative media, and was turned into a four-part comic series released in 2014, which tells the missing section of Maul's story.

Without spoiling what directly happens in the comic, some of the highlights include a Maul Vs. Grievous lightsaber battle and an appearance from Mother Talzin. This section of Maul's story is an important one and is worth checking out before the Season 7 finale.


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