10 Cancelled Star Wars Clone Wars Episodes We Never Got To See

8. Dark Disciple

Star Wars Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
Del Rey

Asajj Ventress' journey was one of George Lucas' proudest accomplishments with the show. The former Nightsister turned Sith Apprentice turned Bounty Hunter quickly became a fan favourite, and the show had even more planned for her. Ventress was going to run into Quinlan Vos, a Jedi with the reputation of flirting with the Dark Side in a cancelled, eight-episode arc called Dark Disciple.

The pair would develop a relationship when working together on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku on his home world of Serenno. The episodes also featured appearances from several bounty hunters including Bossk, Embo and Boba Fett. Ventress was complete with a brand new punk hairstyle as well as a personal ship named The Banshee, which was an unused design for the Republic Gunship. She also wielded a traditional Nightsister bow - which was a reference to Dungeons and Dragons - as well as a yellow lightsaber.

Luckily enough, the eight-episode story was adapted into the book Dark Disciple by Christie Golden, making it official canon.

With that being said, no further spoilers about the episodes will be discussed for those of you who wish to read the book, but it is a shame that we never got to see more of Ventress on the screen.


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