10 Characters The Walking Dead Killed Off At The Wrong Time

7. Tara

walking dead

When Tara was introduced many expected her to be killed off in the prison battle, but instead she stuck around and actually helped Glenn find Maggie. It was really quite interesting to see a member of The Governor's militia actually go on to become a member of the group. Although it was a shame that there was no real conflict about Tara changing sides, having the group accept someone who helped destroyed their home demonstrated that they weren't too far gone.

Tara stuck around until the ninth season where she was unfortunate enough to become one of the heads on the whisperer border. The problem is her character doesn't do a huge amount throughout the show. She seems to always be the secondary character to several storylines and she was also written out of a small part of season five and a small portion of season six.

The constant stepping back and lack of central stories revolving around Tara just made her character a little bit forgettable. Truly believing in Eugene's ability to find a cure, having her die on the road to Washington protecting him could've been used to finally make the lying school teacher crack and spill the truth. Or perhaps she could've received the death that Noah got, seeing as that would've traumatised Glenn just as much or possibly more.

Speaking of Noah...


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.