10 Charming TV Villains You Can't Help But Love

2. Gus Fring - Breaking Bad

Gus Gus Fring. Instead of the usual crazy and eccentric kind of villain, He's a calm, collected, quiet man. I'll be honest; when we first meet Gus I thought he was a little bit of a baby. My decision quickly changed as the show went on and when I say quickly I'm talking mere minutes. The war between Walter White and Gus Fring is something not to be missed. Well I mean you might have missed it but that's okay, it's all on Netflix! Giancarlo Esposito manages to portray Gus in such an incredible way and he does so with very few words. I think across three seasons he might say less than 100 words. Even when he got half of his face blown off he still manages to walk a few feet and fix his tie, which is probably the most badass scene to ever hit the small screen in the history of television.

A student of film in New York City, Chris’s true love is with television and he hopes that someday he will be able to work in a writer’s room on a great show. He is also a great juggler, certified in advanced scuba diving, and also a liar.