10 Chilling Doctor Who Unsolved Mysteries

5. The Curse Of Kamelion

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Max Headroom signal hijacking v2
BBC Studios

1983 serial The King's Demons is best-known for introducing Kamelion, a shape-shifting robot who, after being rescued from the clutches of the Master, joins the Fifth Doctor as a new companion.

Kamelion was a nightmare to work with behind-the-scenes and would constantly break down, resulting in the character being dropped from the show after just two stories.

Over the years fans have jokingly suggested the prop might've been cursed, but when you look at the sheer number of unfortunate incidents surrounding it, it might not be a joke at all.

Pretty much everyone involved with the creation of Kamelion died within ten years of his introduction. The King's Demons writer Terence Dudley passed away in 1988, five years after it aired. Peter Grimwade – the writer for Kamelion's second and final story, Planet of Fire – died in 1990, while Kamelion actors Gerald Flood and Dallas Adams died in 1989 and 1991, respectively.

Even creepier is the fact that Kamelion's software designer Mike Power died in a boating accident shortly after the prop was signed for the show. Bizarrely, he was the only person who knew how to operate Kamelion, which is why it was such a problem for the production.

Some accounts claim the prop was found in an old warehouse or junkyard, which is exactly the type of place you'd expect to find a cursed item. Even if that's not true, something was clearly wrong with Kamelion from the off.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.