10 Classic TV Characters Who Weren't Added Until Later Seasons

1. Desmond Hume - Lost

Desmond Lost

Lost is another show that's constantly introducing great new characters including Mr. Eko, Juliet, and Ben Linus, but the best of those late additions has got to be Desmond Hume.

Like many of these characters, Desmond wasn't intended to be a series regular. He was first introduced in the premiere of Season 2 as the mysterious man in the hatch, dumping a bunch of information onto Jack and Locke before riding off into the sunset. That was originally going to be the last we saw of him.

But Henry Ian Cusick was so damn good, and so the character returned in the Season 2 finale and then became a regular in Season 3. Desmond's "see you in another life brother" would become one of the phrases most associated with the series, and his relationship with Penny was by far Lost's best romance. Sorry, Charlie and Claire. 

And let's not forget The Constant, arguably the show's greatest episode which revolves entirely around Desmond and his crazy time travel antics. 

Story wise, Desmond ends up being pretty important to the series, playing a huge role in the final episode. It's kind of hard to believe we had a whole season without him.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.