10 Classic TV Shows That Need A Reunion Series
Because why become invested in new TV shows when we can desperately cling to old ones?

Hollywood's relationship with nostalgia can usually be best described as somewhere between a warm embrace and a clammy death grip. For a while, the trend was to take beloved television series from the 60s or 70s and reboot them as films. These, as a rule, tended to fail miserably, as they lacked the key things that made the shows popular in the first place: a vibe, a specific set of actors that the audience grew to know and love, and perhaps most importantly, cultural context.
With that well coming up dry, the entertainment industry had to come up with a new way to keep us all nostalgia-drunk. That's where Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and a variety of other unconventional media outlets came into the picture. What if you could reunite a cast of an immensely popular series, without the pressure of network television ratings and long-term commitments that make actors unlikely to sign on for the project?
And so a phenomenon was born. From Arrested Development to Fuller House to Gilmore Girls, television reunion series are becoming the new film reboot. And with so many television shows getting the reunion treatment, it seems only fair to propose a few more gems who need a special, at the very least, if not a full blown series.
10. Dawson's Creek

If you don't want to watch a rapidly approaching middle age Dawson sob his little melodramatic eyes out over Joey Potter, you're lying to yourself. Enough time has gone by since the end of the show that we've actually passed the fast-forwarded finale that was the major trend back in the early 2000s.
Where is the gang now that they're in their late 30s/early 40s? Is Dawson a big time movie director, or has he gone the way of Mr. Brooks living a sad lonely life as the town misanthrope? Are Joey and Pacey still together? (Trick question: they will always be together because even though 2016 has dealt me some unimaginable blows what with Gene Wilder and David Bowie and, you know, Donald Trump, I'm not prepared to live in a world where Joey and Pacey don't get their happily ever after.)
Also, from a purely shallow standpoint, this is probably one of the only shows from the 1990s where pretty much the entire cast has not only maintained their good looks, but in many cases have actually gotten more attractive than when they were on the show. So you don't have to worry about watching the reunion show and feeling sad about the one member who has aged terribly compared to everyone else and is desperately clinging to the hope that this reunion show will give them their long-awaited comeback (which it never does).