10 Coolest Guns In Anime History

4. The Punisher - Trigun

Vash the Stampede

For a man looking like a travelling priest with a smoking habit, Nicholas D. Wolfwood was packing some serious heat.

The cross-shaped gun known as the Punisher is one of an array of weapons wielded by members of the Eye of Michael. With a huge machine gun in the front and a rocket launcher in the back, this mullet of weaponry isn’t even the only one of its kind.

Though the other versions sport different designs, all of them are shaped like crosses and are wielded by capable users.

Wolfwood keeps his Punisher under wraps to keep a low profile, but will pull it out when he’s commissioned as a hired gun in order to fund the orphanage that he developed. Designed as a literal cross that Wolfwood bears, he passes his responsibilities on to Vash who inherits the Punisher after his death.

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Living in a place colder than it is north of The Wall, Brad keeps warm with all the excitement that comes from a good anime series, comic book, or movie. Being an opinionated sort of fellow puts him in a precarious position with friends and strangers, but applying that superpower to the world of writing seems to be doing alright for him.