10 Craziest Doctor Who Time Loops

7. River On Repeat (The Big Bang)

Doctor Who Heaven Sent Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor

Though being stuck in a time loop might sound like an utter nightmare, River Song once found the concept to be an absolute life-saver. Quite literally.

Series 5 finale The Big Bang is a story of true wibbly-wobbly proportions, with the universe coming to an end, and the TARDIS going kaboom! Caught up in that latter slice of carnage is River herself, who was stuck inside the Doctor's time-travelling super-vehicle when it started exploding in the previous episode.

But because the TARDIS is an absolute legend, it doesn't just allow River to perish - oh no. Instead, it enacts an emergency protocol and puts her into a time loop, forcing her to relive her final moments on repeat.

Again, that might sound like a total nightmare (and, well, it probably is) but this loop keeps River alive, giving the Eleventh Doctor enough time to figure out a way to save her. Which he does! With the help of a handy vortex manipulator.

And how does she repay him? She shoots his bloody fez! A simple "thanks for not letting me die" would've sufficed here, River!

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