10 Craziest Doctor Who Time Loops

2. Death Loop (Heaven Sent)

Doctor Who Heaven Sent Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor
BBC Studios

While this one isn't a time loop in the traditional sense, it's close enough, and more importantly, there'd be riots in the streets if we didn't mention Heaven Sent on a list like this.

Like Eve Of The Daleks, the cyclical format of this story is best described as a death loop, with the Doctor spending each of his "lives" figuring out a way to break the cycle. Each time he dies, he retains the information from his previous life, allowing him to make a small amount of progress each and every time.

It's basically a roguelike video game, like Sony's recent PS5 exclusive Returnal. Minus the guns. And without the infuriating collectibles.

Regardless of how you define the Heaven Sent loop, there's no doubt that it's the most creative use of the concept in the show's history, with a story as layered as an onion, and drama as heavy as a double-decker bus. Add in an atmospheric setting and a corker of a villain, and this is Doctor Who's definitive loop-based story.

Not that there are many contenders for that incredibly niche category, but hey, a win is a win!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.